Què significa el muntatge en accessoris de comprovació d'automòbils?


What does assembly mean in automotive checking fixtures? 


Recently, I received an email mentioning that Changchun will hold an exhibition on automotive manufacturing technology and equipment. You can see that the development of the automotive industry is still promising. Different exhibitions are being held across the country, including metal material exhibitions, mechanical equipment exhibitions, manufacturing technology exhibitions, and so on. Perhaps you may ask, is it related to the exhibition and what you say that what does assembly mean in automotive checking fixtures? I think there should be some! Checking fixtures also have certain technical requirements, and they should be shared and exchanged to enhance the manufacturing capabilities of the industry.


We all know that a car is assembled from multiple parts. The car is divided into many areas, such as the seat, center console, door, luggage compartment, etc. Each part has an assembly such as a door assembly, seat assembly, etc. The assembly is also assembled from multiple sub assemblies. In order to ensure that each part or sub assembly can achieve the expected goals during assembly, it is necessary to inspect the parts or sub assemblies. At present, a more practical tool is to use checking fixtures for testing. The name of the checking fixture actually corresponds to the product. If a single product is matched with a checking fixture, it is usually called a single product checking fixture. If the product to be tested is an assembly, the corresponding checking fixture is called an assembly checking fixture. The above is a relatively simple description of what does assembly means in automotive checking fixtures, which can also be helpful for those unfamiliar with the industry.

We welcome more friends to share their opinions on the meaning of assembly in automotive checking fixtures, and other technical issues in the checking fixture industry.

If you want a free quotation, please contact fifmsales08@fgauge.com

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